Major Projects & Acquisitions

Home Services Government Law Major Projects & Acquisitions

The experienced team of lawyers at Preston Law have assisted Government in significant major projects and acquisitions with local and State-wide importance.

Our team has particular experience in acquisition projects.  We understand the risks and sensitivities of acquisitions, and we have been involved from “Day 1” in strategising and implementing large-scale acquisitions for critical infrastructure.

Our Services

  • Acting in resumption of land matters, both by agreement and contested, including appearing in objection hearings, settlement conferences and Land Court proceedings;
  • Providing advice to airport authorities on statutory interpretation and strategies for developing large projects;
  • Providing advice under:
  • theState Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971;
  • theStatutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982;
  • theSustainable Ports Development Act 2015;
  • Providing strategic advice on water issues, including under theWater Act 2000, applicable Water Plans and theWater Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008;
  • Providing environmental and planning advice on major projects, including under thePlanning Act 2018,Environmental Protection Act 1994and various Regulations and Policies (including the “Chain of Responsibility” legislation);
  • Providing local government and operators with advice on the application of legislation to major resources projects, including theMineral Resources Act 1989, theMineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014and thePetroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004.

Results for Clients

  • Advising Cairns Port Authority on the acquisition of Cairns Airport from the Commonwealth Government;
  • Acting in a large scale acquisition project in Southern Queensland for flood mitigation work;
  • Providing tenure and cultural heritage advice in relation to the Southern Cairns Water Infrastructure Upgrade. This included providing advice to Council in relation to tenure, land acquisition,Nature Conservation Actapprovals, native title and cultural heritage issues. Project completed and constructed;
  • Acting for a number of local governments and private entities for the development of solar farms and other renewable energy and carbon abatement projects including preparing successful bids for carbon abatement contracts with the Clean Energy Regulator;
  • Provided advice and drafted all documents for a large southeast Queensland local government for a realignment and replacement of major water supply infrastructure involving compulsory acquisition, easements and Section 15 Agreements under theAcquisition of Land Act 1967;
  • Advising a dam owner of one of the largest dams in north Queensland in relation to the application of theWater Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008and requirements for, preparing and implementing an Emergency Action Plan;
  • Providing a local government with advice about sustainably sourcing water in order to develop an artificial lake as a piece of critical community infrastructure, pursuant to theWater Act 2000and the applicable Water Plan;
  • Acting on behalf of local governments and resource entities in finalising agreements to allow the commencement of large-scale resources projects, under theMineral Resources Act 1989, theMineral and Energy Resources (Common Provisions) Act 2014and thePetroleum and Gas (Production and Safety) Act 2004.

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