Aviation Lawyers

Preston Law has extensive experience advising airports, port authorities and local governments in relation to aviation matters.

Our Services

  • Preparing leases, licence agreements and other arrangements for property interests at airports, both landside and airside;
  • Providing advice on requirements under the Civil Aviation Act 1988, Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1988, including advice about submissions under those legislative frameworks to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority on various matters and advice about application of the Manual of Standards;
  • Providing advice under the Airport Assets (Restructuring and Disposal) Act 2008, including in relation to the preparation of Airport Notices and enforcement strategies;
  • Providing litigation and dispute resolution advice on the enforcement of various contractual arrangements;
  • Providing detailed, step-by-step advice about complex resumption projects for significant community public works under the Acquisition of Land Act 1967;
  • Preparing tender and other associated procurement documentation, and acting as probity advisor, for a large-scale contract for goods and services;
  • Providing urgent advice on very sensitive enforcement matters under various frameworks, and including preparation of relevant compliance, show cause and enforcement notices, drawing pleadings for Court proceedings, preparing complaints and summonses and briefing counsel in court proceedings;
  • Providing strategic advice on privacy law, including under the Privacy Act 1988.

 Results for Clients

  • Advising Cairns Port Authority on the acquisition of Cairns Airport from the Commonwealth Government;
  • Preparing, negotiating and finalising commercial retail shop leases for a regional airport including café and car hire businesses;
  • Drafting request for tenders for the leasing of airport land for commercial operators and hangers for privately owned aircraft;
  • Review of contract documentation for the complete upgrade of an aerodrome including terminal buildings in a remote Indigenous community;
  • Drafting aerodrome local laws for a number of local governments in north Queensland and advice on enforcement;
  • Drafting airport notices for a large regional airport in north Queensland with respect to parking;
  • Training and workshops for a number of airport operators including a large North Queensland airport on privacy, cybersecurity and data breaches;
  • Advice on the operation of drones around airports and compliance with CASA regulations specifically dealing with drones;
  • Drafting of leases and negotiating of terms with adjoining landowners using airport land for cropping purposes for a large central Queensland airport operator.

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