What Is a Director Identification Number? A director ID is a 15 digit identifier that is given to a director once their identity has been verified by the Federal Government’s Australian Business Registry Service (ABRS). This system was introduced on 1 November 2021 with the aim of assisting external administrators such as the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) trace director relationships with the aim of identifying and eliminating fraudulent director activity. Additional Information can be found on the ABRS website here: https://www.abrs.gov.au/director-identification-number/apply-director-identification-number
Any existing directors have until 30 November 2022 to apply for your director ID. There are three ways to do this:
- Apply using your myGovID using this link: https://mygovid.gov.au/AuthSpa.UI/index.html#login
- Apply with the ABRS over the telephone by phoning 13 62 50
- Complete an application form
In all instances you will need to have on hand a copy of your most recently lodged income tax return and assessment and be able to provide one primary and two secondary proof of identity (POI) documents:
Proof of Identity documents must include:
- 1 primary and 2 secondary identity documents, or
- 2 primary and 1 secondary identity documents
Primary document:
- An Australian birth certificate (full, not an extract or commemorative certificate)
- A current Australian passport or a passport that has expired within the last two years
- Australian citizenship certificate or extract from a register of citizenship by descent
- A foreign passport
Secondary document:
- Medicare card
- Australian Drivers licence which shows your current residential address
The fastest way to apply for a director ID is online. If you cannot apply online you can contact our office to obtain the written application for you to complete, then sign and return it to us along with certified copies of your three POI documents. Please note that we require an original, wet ink signature on the form so please do not scan and email this form back to us.
If you are making the application using the paper form your POI documents need to be certified by an authorised person including a Solicitor, Justice of The Peace or Commissioner for Declarations.
Should you wish us to certify your POI documents please telephone our office to arrange a time.
Once you have received your director ID you will need to provide it to us so that we can note it in your company records (if applicable).
Should you require any further information or explanation, please do not hesitate to contact our office.