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Published by Preston Law on 30/06/2017

Preston Law boosts the ranks of its Cairns Native Title Lawyers

On 30 June 2017, Preston Law in Cairns was delighted to announce the promotion of solicitor Martin Wright to the position of Associate.

Martin works closely alongside the law firm Partner Andrew Kerr and Consultant David Kempton in Queensland’s largest team of native title lawyers in a private law firm outside of the South East corner.Preston Law’s team of native title lawyers in Cairns have unparalleled experience compared to any other law firm in regional Australia. 

Andrew Kerr has been practising almost exclusively as a Cairns native title lawyer for in excess of 20 years and has been involved in some landmark native title matters, including:

  • Acted for Cairns Regional Council in negotiating an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (“ILUA”) and consent determination for Wanyurr Majay native title application in and around Babinda. The ILUA was registered and a determination was made by the Federal Court of Australia.
  • Goldsborough Valley Tenure Resolution Project. Andrew negotiated a solution to tenure and public access issues at Goldsborough Valley resulting in creation of Council reserves, protection of a historic walking track, negotiation of an ILUA, grant of Aboriginal freehold, and resolution of the native title claim.
  • Southern Water Infrastructure Project. Successfully addressed native title and cultural heritage issues associated with the construction of four 1ML water reservoirs at Majuba Creek (Ngadjon Ji), Fishery Falls, Frenchmans Creek, and Junction Creek (Wanyurr Majay).

David Kempton is one of the elder statesman amongst Queensland native title lawyers having been involved since the Mabo decision in 1992.Throughout the late 1980s and 1990s, David practised in his own firm in Cooktown.In this capacity, he was involved in the landmark High Court decision of Wik v State of Queensland and other keystone cases involving native title law in Queensland. 

David has continually practised as a native title lawyer in Queensland since 1992 and is the senior native title lawyer amongst the Preston Law Cairns native title lawyers team. 

Martin Wright has practised as a Cairns native title lawyer continuously for the last 5 years.During this time and under the guidance of Andrew Kerr and David Kempton, Martin has quickly developed a legal expertise which sees him as being regarded by both his colleagues and his clients as a leading native title lawyer in Queensland. 

If you need a native title lawyer in Queensland (or Australia for that matter), please do not hesitate to contact one of our team of Cairns native title lawyers for a free over the phone or face to face consultation.  Our team of friendly, experienced lawyers have been providing legal advice to Cairns locals for many years.  Contact us to find out how we can help you!  Preston Law ph 4052 0700

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